Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Entry the 36th: Integrity - Systems Overload

This one had been on my list stretching back to day 0 when I was still finding out about bands from Victory Style. The song Systems Overloaded was on there alongside a bunch of others I liked that I have already mentioned. Once I picked it up, I discovered that Systems Overload was my favorite Integrity record. It some really fast songs and some of the slower ones, and what it lacked in spookiness compared to Seasons In The Size Of Days it definitely made up for in fury.

I love Integrity, which is probably at this point abundantly clear, so getting to listen to this instead of this is great. I might prefer other Integrity albums at this point, but I'm not sure. Systems Overload is a fantastic addition. Charlie Manson!

Check out: Incarnate 365

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