Saturday, June 4, 2011

Entry the 26th: Doughnuts - Feel Me Bleed

Certainly my least favorite of the treats from my sixteenth was this record of dubious worthiness. Often likened to Earth Crisis, except with swedish women. I had heard Doughnuts songs on the Victory Style compilations and thought that the novelty of an all female group did not outweigh the fact that they were not really that good. Then again, Victory signed plenty of bands that weren't great, and I'm pretty sure they have kept that tradition alive to this day so perhaps someone at the label heard something I did not.

I did like a couple of songs of theirs in spite of the vocals sounding either like a woman pretending to be a man having a heart attack, or a woman having a heart attack pretending to be a man. A subtle distinction I know, but I could not decide. One of the songs I liked, called Impure, was not even on Feel Me Bleed, but on some other release that I never got. In any case, I gave this record a chance.

It should be obvious how much I liked this since apparently when putting my entire collection onto my iPod I did not even deign to include this on it. As such I didn't even get to listen to the whole record. Instead I listened to a couple of songs on YouTube, and yeah, I can't say my opinion has changed.

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