Thursday, June 9, 2011

Entry the 30th: Vision of Disorder - Vision of Disorder

I bought this Vision of Disorder CD around the beginning of the summer of 1998. It was the first record in my collection on Roadrunner records, and I had heard about the band from a dubbed cassette given to me by a friend. It was some sort of live New York hardcore compilation, but considering the representatives for NYHC were these guys, and I think 108 and No Redeeming Social Value it was perhaps a little misleading. Two songs on that cassette that are also on this CD are D.T.O. and Suffer.

I remember liking the vocals. Well sort of. I liked the screams, but the clean vocals took a little getting used to. Nonetheless I listened to this a lot that summer and was later inspired to buy other records by these guys.

If you were to guess based solely on the album cover and band name you might think that this is not a very good album, and you would pretty much be correct. It definitely holds some nostalgia value, but the clean vocals really are bad. I can get behind some well done vocals of any stripe, but these are really no good, and the songs aren't quite strong enough to make up for it. Certainly not the worst stop on my adventure so far, but let's just say that I would have liked at the time that I really liked this to think that my taste was pretty good.

Check out: Suffer

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