Sunday, March 7, 2010

Entry the 8th: Slapshot - 16 Valve Hate

On the Jocelyn Tape there was also a song called Big Mouth Strikes Again, which I found on this album by Boston's Slapshot. The rest of this album sounded very different from the song that inspired its acquisition, and for a very good reason. Big Mouth Strikes Again is actually by The Smiths. Who knew? In any case, I loved this fast, pissed-off hardcore. Their straightedge hollering wasn't really militant like that of Earth Crisis. It was perhaps more honest in a sense. Just straight ahead angry.

Nowadays, this still gets some love. I don't feel like I can relate to the anger any more, but back then I didn't realize they were covering The Smiths, so I'm guessing they might have been a little less angry than I realized. Front to back this is a great hardcore album.

Check out: Big Mouth Strikes Again

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