Thursday, March 4, 2010

Entry the 7th: Sick Of It All: Scratch the Surface

Some time previous to getting this record, my good friend Jocelyn made me a mix tape. I believe it was about 90 minutes long and filled with a bunch of hardcore bands. I listened to the tape a lot along with these records and tapes I had made for myself, and I liked some of the bands enough to buy their records too.

So I finally got something that wasn't on Victory Records, and I finally got something that was really actually more like hardcore than metal, a distinction I was less aware of at the time. Just before my Grade 10 school year I picked this up, again at the Music City in Polo Park.

The song Step Down was the on the tape Joce made me, and in listening to it again I still quite like it. I actually like a lot of the other songs quite a bit more than I remember liking them at the time. Lou Koller still sounds a little like he's retarded, like so many other hardcore singers, but that's not a complaint, and I still remember most of the words that he sings in that garbley tard-yell.

Check out: Step Down

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